We’ve had a busy first half of the year where we’ve seen changes in staff, increase in patients and subsequently, workloads.
In the first quarter of the year (January to March) our admin team processed approximately 9,500 documents with 800 referrals submitted to secondary care. Our reception team dealt with over 4,000 prescriptions and triaged over 7,000 AskMyGp requests whilst taking, on average, over 200 calls per day!
In April we said a very fond farewell to Dr Paul who retired after 23 years of service at the Practice. He will be missed by both staff and patients.
We were, though, delighted to announce that 2 of our existing GPs became partners earlier in the year – Dr Darren Cox and Dr Katie Ellison.
We were also very pleased to welcome 2 new GPs, Dr Alice Blackwell and Dr Josh Nowak, who will cover both Winscombe and Banwell surgeries.
The Referral Service triage a high number of our patient’s referrals to secondary care which includes referrals to hospital (some exclusions apply). Once a referral has been processed, they will aim to write to the patient within 14 days and also send an alert via
the NHS app (should the patient have an account). If you have been referred to via the Referral Service, you can contact them direct on 0117 900 2566 with any queries, allowing 14 days for them to process any referrals they receive.
Dr Darren Cox
Dr Katie Ellison
We would like to encourage our patients to download the NHS App if they have a smart phone. You can access a whole variety of NHS services including requesting repeat prescriptions and book and manage GP and hospital appointments and referrals. It’s simple to download for Android and iOS and by following this link: https://www.nhs.uk/nhs-app/.
Prescriptions can take up to 2 working days to be processed by the surgery (could be a further wait with your chosen pharmacy) so please bear this in mind when needing medication, especially coming up to a bank holiday.
From April patients have been able to purchase an HRT pre-payment certificate (HRT PPC) which covers their prescriptions for a year. Please note there are some exemptions and you can enquire in person at some pharmacies.
Spring saw the return of our covid clinics. In April and May 1,367 patients were vaccinated! Thank you to everyone that helped to make the clinic run smoothly and look out for the next round of invites in the autumn and winter.
With summer upon us it’s very important to keep safe while enjoying the sunshine and warmer weather by:
Be tick aware! You may check your pets for ticks, but humans can get them too! They can carry
Lyme disease so it’s very important to follow these basic rules while out and about:
The local Patient Participation Group meet quarterly with the aim to provide a link between patients and the staff at the Surgery. If you would like to be involved in any way, please submit your interest for the attention of the Practice Manager - winscombebanwellsurgery@nhs.net.
Next meeting in July – date and venue to be confirmed.
We are always keen to hear your views and suggestions to improve the service. Should you have any feedback or compliments please do write to the surgery or complete our online form via our website.
Dr John Jackson is retiring
Dr John Jackson is retiring
Click HerePatient Newsletter: December'24
Patient Newsletter: December'24
Click HereGP Collective Action
GP Collective Action
Click HerePatient Newsletter: September'24
Patient Newsletter: September'24
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